View Catalog: MINT00559

Catalog Name MINT00559
Title Holograph draft memorandum on disputes between Newton and the warden [Craven Peyton], particularly the warden's opposition to Newton's proposal to pay vendors of plate 5s. per ounce on account [see MINT00558 (Mint 19/2/539-40)]
Author Isaac Newton
Place of Origin no place assigned
Origin Date c. 28 July 1711
Repository National Archives (Kew, Richmond)
Pages 641
Wordcount 0

Printed in NC, 5: 180-81; see Craig, NATM, 79-81.||The warden insists vendors should 'deliver up their receipts upon payment of what the plate produced & take certificates for the remainder', but the vendors prefer Newton's solution.||[Note on dating: must post-date the Treasury meeting of 27 July 1711, and presumably predates the royal warrant of 30 July (which is what Newton appears to be angling for): see MINT00563 (Mint 19/2/522) and NC, 5: 181, n.1.]

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