View Watermark Image: 71

Notes D [circled]. O2 624/5 Close but not sure as 623/30 [[Struck out: no 626/7. no 628/29]] 283/4 293/4 - virtually perfect fit & 261/2, 265, 271 273, 277 - - - - 267 dif 269 275, 279 . . . 3968 53/4 (~1 mm) 3960, 225/7 Neither twin [[Struck out: fits 3968 37/48, 49/50]] Keynes 3, 40/41, 42/3 .41: 44/5, 58/9 Fits Mint II, 108. Sept 1717 3972 f.38 On longitude I have received your letter by the hands of John Va+...
File Code 3-121
File Base VAD9193-3-121
Wm Code Tracing: [CAW] left and [pro patria] right {#3-101}