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Page 25 of 31, showing 20 record(s) out of 604 total

Notes File Code File Base Image Wm Code Checked Assigned Actions
the little balls might actually be in but faint [beta circled] 3973 , Ept[??] 4 Aug 1682 [[Struck out: & ident w/#3 Dec. 1692/3 ]] CM/IR or IB not same as 3977 #7 lower left differ 3-203 VAD9193-3-203 Tracing: [horn] {#3-182}
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Z' [beta] & Z' same 3965. 279/80 very faint Fits 3965 310/11 184/5 3-204 VAD9193-3-204 Tracing: [IR] left and [horn] right {#3-183}
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Z Z & Z' may be same & [beta] " "" "" 3-205 VAD9193-3-205 Tracing: [IR] left and [horn] right {#3-184}
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3970, 408 3-209 VAD9193-3-209 Tracing: [RC] left and [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] right {#3-187}
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A [circled] 3965, 462/3 [-+=??] 3968 173/4 3-214 VAD9193-3-214 Tracing: [crown+GR] left and [honi] = [o+O] right {#3-192}
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3968, 20/1 CM barely readab prob fits 372/3 but very faint 3968, 379/80 (<2mm) 575/6 not 3968 [[Struck out: 274/5. 377/8 ]] <- wch is clear 3-215 VAD9193-3-215 Tracing: [crown+GR] left and [honi] = [o+O] right {#3-193}
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A [circled] 3968 173/4 2.86075036075036 Fits 3968, 372/3 577/8 Fits Keynes 3, 1/2/3/4 Close to 3968 374/6, 381/2 N->Keil, 2 May 1718 #430 [[Struck out: Doesn't Fit 3968 377/8 ]] wch spells "SOIT"" correctly 3-216 VAD9193-3-216 Tracing: [crown+GR] left and [honi] = [o+O] right {#3-194}
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3968 377/8 I think this is the same as A 3-217 VAD9193-3-217 Tracing: [crown+GR] left and [honi] = [o+O] right {#3-195}
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some chains added later A [circled] Anglo-Dutch Coat of Arms (HONI) Gen. Schol. 3970, 427/8 (incomplete) fits 3965 *[GS]*; f. [[Struck out: 380/1 ]] 361/2v (pale) 3968, 545/6. 555 Fits 3965, 247/8, 249/50. 196/7. 226/7 (<2mm) Fits 3963, 115/16 Fits 3968 260/1 Seems to Fit N->Cotes 15 June 1710. 30 Sept 1710. 14 Oct 1712 May fit 3966, 37/8 Lunar theory Doesn't fit "Theorem Lunae"" 3966 3-218 VAD9193-3-218 Tracing: [crown+AR] left and [honi] = [o+O] right {#3-196}
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D 3966, 90/1 (lunar theory) 86/7 perfect 65/6 3965, 223/4 Fits N->Cotes 7 June 1711 Fits 'Schol. ad pag. 402" 3-219 VAD9193-3-219 Tracing: [crown+AR] left and [honi] = [o+O] right {#3-197}
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3968 579/80 3-220 VAD9193-3-220 Tracing: [crown+AR] left and [honi] = [o+O] right {#3-198}
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3963, 119/20 "Geometriae 3-222 VAD9193-3-222 Tracing: [ELF] left and [dutch lion] right {#3-200}
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Completed & added chains later Seven Provinces A [circled] 423/4 [which doc??] Fits [[Struck out: 428 ]] -letters off slightly [[Struck out: 400,]] 412 [check mark], [[Struck out: 418, 414 417/18 Fits B better Fits 3970. 411/12 Doesn't 3965. 30/1 Fits 3965, [[Struck out: 52/3,]] 59/60, 61/2 [2 check marks] 3963, 123/4 169/70 FIL _Except_ for CM "LF"" 3964 3-223 VAD9193-3-223 Tracing: [ELF] left and [dutch lion] right {#3-201}
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3963, 161/2 "Cap 2. De compositione & Resolutione Veterum 3-224 VAD9193-3-224 Tracing: [ELF] left and [dutch lion] right {#3-202}
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_Same as A [circled]_ 3965 52/3 Fits 363 121/2 but CM w/chain neither[??] shifted[??] smidgin [measure between rightmost two chains with arrows:] 25 3-225 VAD9193-3-225 Tracing: [ELF] left and [dutch lion] right {#3-203}
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[very large B bottom left corner] Horn+HG/MC B Fits Mint 19/ 1, 480/1 Sept 1696 Fits 3965, 233 but countermark off a smidgin 3961.1 38/41 Fits 43/5, 48/51 but 'B' dif & [...] 3-226 VAD9193-3-226 Tracing: [horn+HG/MC] B {#3-204}
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Added chains B 3976 #2 March 71/2 [[Struck out: Might be same 3970, 435/6 ]] 3976 3.a CM A|I fits 30 March 1672 & mutilated[??] 3 bis seems to fit the remaining part of wm 3-227 VAD9193-3-227 Tracing: [AI] left and [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] right {#3-205}
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D1 [circled] Dft Hypoth 535/6 3-228 VAD9193-3-228 Tracing: [AI] left and [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] right {#3-206}
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T [circled] Hk Dft '75 531/2 faint Fits Keynes 25, 4-7 3-229 VAD9193-3-229 Tracing: [AI] left and [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] right {#3-207}
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B1 [circled] Hypoth 544/4 3-230 VAD9193-3-230 Tracing: [AI] left and [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] right {#3-208}
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Page 25 of 31, showing 20 record(s) out of 604 total