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Notes File Code File Base Image Wm Code Checked Assigned Actions
3965 330/1 3-264 VAD9193-3-264 Tracing: [HD] left and [FDL] right {#3-240}
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Deprecated (8192): Creation of dynamic property Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::$Html is deprecated [CORE/src/View/Helper.php, line 115]
more chains added K 3965 130/1 3970, 365/6 Fits Keynes 10, 31 Fits New College 3612/4, 104/5 N->Creyia[??], Nov. 1691 In general these FDL/HD's very close 3-263 VAD9193-3-263 Tracing: [HD] left and [FDL] right {#3-239}
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chains added 3963, 154/5 (DTW 1693) Does not fit 3960 101/3 (1691-2) 3-262 VAD9193-3-262 Tracing: [HD] left and [FDL] right {#3-238}
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3963 175/6 Fits Yahuda 15.2, f.30/1 Fits Keynes 1 57/8, 61/2, 60/1, 63/53A CM off ~1/8" 3-260 VAD9193-3-260 Tracing: [EB] left and [city of london] = [dag] right {#3-236}
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chains filled in later B1 [circled] 225/6 [which document? 3960?] Fits 223/224 219 360 close [[Struck out: Not 479/50 ]] 227 Fits 3961.2, 7/8. 9/10, 11/12 3962. 19/20 25/26, 25/6 May fit 3962, 19/20 3960, 207/9 (<2mm) Mint Fit New College, 145/6. def _not_ others Pretty sure fits Mint III, 476/7. 30 Oct. 1703 Fits Mint III, 492/3 28 Oct, 1703 N->La[??] High Treasurer III, 506/7 28 Oct. 1703 3-259 VAD9193-3-259 Tracing: [EB] left and [city of london] = [dag] right {#3-235}
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3970, 477/80 3960 217. but CM doesn't fit 215 This is the one[??] that fits 224 3-258 VAD9193-3-258 Tracing: [EB] left and [city of london] = [dag] right {#3-234}
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chains filled in later A1 [circled] I'm not convinced A1 & B1 _are_ different. They are! A? O1 209/230 [[Struck out: 479 fits except for letter loc ]] [[Struck out: even better fit to 360 ]] [[Struck out: Fits: 227 ]] 3960, [[Struck out: 207/9 ]] 211, 213 ca. 1703 3962. 21/2, 3/4 3962. , 21/2 23/4 3-257 VAD9193-3-257 Tracing: [EB] left and [city of london] = [dag] right {#3-233}
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Added more chains later 3973 #8 Dec. 1692-3 These & #4 are remarkably close, except balls seem missing in #4 3-255 VAD9193-3-255 Tracing: [horn] {#3-231}
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A A&A' prob same 3970, 216/17 Fits 208/9 3-254 VAD9193-3-254 Tracing: [horn+HG] left and [MC] right. B {#3-230}
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4005 21/2 faint -stained very close to 4005, 91/2 [some faint measures of dimensions] 3-253 VAD9193-3-253 Tracing: [horn+HG] left and [MC] right. B {#3-229}
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4005 65/6. on conjuction (figs) Fits 4005 21/2. Cosmography This & 4005 21/2 remain close Not 64/5 3965. 233 fits this & the 3970, 196/7 just as well, since no CM [numerous faint measures of dimensions] 3-252 VAD9193-3-252 Tracing: [horn+HG] left and [MC] right. B {#3-228}
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Chains added later. No! chains are 'invisible'! A [circled] Doing over w/counter[??] mark DONE OVER O1, 192 filled in a few lines w/194 [[Struck out: very ]] slightly diff 3982 #5 from N->Halley Dft [[Struck out: & letter ]] 17 Oct.1695 3982 #4 letter seem to fit perfectly 3974 #9 "Gemmarius pretia"" ff 34-5 3-250 VAD9193-3-250 Tracing: [horn+HG] left and [MC] right. B {#3-226}
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3970, 200/1 MSO1 (305-7, x400) 6 Fits 198,9 306 x torn 212/13 [this line and next angle-bracketed:] 304x402 210/11 [wrote 2110/11] pretty sure Fits 472 [checked] Fits 3969. Lunar Table 141/5 3965. 234/5 though counter[??] mark[??] very faint [lower left corner, near stylized B:] bright spot, tail 24 8 3-249 VAD9193-3-249 Tracing: [horn+HG] left and [MC] right. B {#3-225}
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4005 6417 3-248 VAD9193-3-248 Tracing: [horn+HG] left and [MC] right. B {#3-224}
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Filled in chains later A2 [circled] 3963, 172 DTW 1705-6 248/9 fined[??] w 251 & 287 254 290 a perfect[??] one pretty good 248/9 255 almost w/each 3-246 VAD9193-3-246 Tracing: [EB] left and [city of london] = [dag] right {#3-222}
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chains added for CM later C1 [circled] [[Struck out: I think same as A1 ]] A? 221/222 [[Struck out: fits 225 ]] 231/2 3962. 27/28 Seems to Fit Mint III, 288 24 Nov. 1704. 3-245 VAD9193-3-245 Tracing: [EB] left and [city of london] = [dag] right {#3-221}
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B2 [circled] 3965, 132/3. Tables 246/7 fit 258 260 286 Fits Keynes 1, 9/10 Fits 4005 75/6. Table Lamp.&las[??] 3-244 VAD9193-3-244 Tracing: [EB] left and [city of london] = [dag] right {#3-220}
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more chains added later 3970, 121/2 Fits 115/6 (wch is torn) Fits Keynes 5, ff I/II III/IV V/VI fits except CM off as indicated for[??] 126/7 [beneath LL next to right chain and dotted line:] 126/7 Otherwise w/m fits 3-240 VAD9193-3-240 Tracing: [horn+HG] left and [LL] right {#3-216}
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CM chains added later 117/118 [which document??] Finished a few lines w 119 same as 371/2 Diff from 3973 #9, ff 40-3 Fits 125/6 (wch is torn[??]) 129/30 123/4 Fits 129/30 [beneath LL next to right chain and dotted line:] How much 123/4 is off w/m fits perfectly 3-239 VAD9193-3-239 Tracing: [horn+HG] left and [LL] right {#3-215}
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NO CM 552 Discourse '75 De grav., 4003 is _like_ this, but w/o sub-mark. can't conclude anything. It is close[??] to this w/double bars along xxx & more elaborate crown than 3970, 617 fair[??] _Principia_ 3-235 VAD9193-3-235 Tracing: [arms of amsterdam/blank] = [XX/blank] {#3-212}
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