Deprecated (8192): Creation of dynamic property Laminas\Diactoros\Uri::$base is deprecated [CORE/src/Http/ServerRequestFactory.php, line 254]
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Deprecated (8192): Creation of dynamic property App\View\AppView::$Flash is deprecated [CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1095]
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Deprecated (8192): Creation of dynamic property Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::$Url is deprecated [CORE/src/View/Helper.php, line 115]
Notes File Code File Base Image Wm Code Checked Assigned Actions
S [circled] probably same as R [circled] Hypoth 575/6 Fits 546/7 (Hypoth) --- 652/3 De aere ... 3-234 VAD9193-3-234 Tracing: [AI] left and [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] right {#3-211} [bis!!]
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Deprecated (8192): Creation of dynamic property Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::$Html is deprecated [CORE/src/View/Helper.php, line 115]
R [circled] same as T [circled] probably same as S [circled] R-T [all circled] prob same Hypoth Dec '75 581/2 579/80 except for CM off a bit Fits Keynes 25, 2-8 3-233 VAD9193-3-233 Tracing: [AI] left and [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] right {#3-211}
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chains on CM added later[??] A1-D1 [all circled] prob same & twins of R-T [all circled] Magnetism -- 473/4 pretty sure 536 saw[??] same as 539/41 [[Struck out: & did CM oo[??] it ]] Hypoth Dec '75 3-232 VAD9193-3-232 Tracing: [AI] left and [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] right {#3-210}
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C1 [circled] Hypoth 577/8 573/4 close to 535/6 3-231 VAD9193-3-231 Tracing: [AI] left and [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] right {#3-209}
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B1 [circled] Hypoth 544/4 3-230 VAD9193-3-230 Tracing: [AI] left and [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] right {#3-208}
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T [circled] Hk Dft '75 531/2 faint Fits Keynes 25, 4-7 3-229 VAD9193-3-229 Tracing: [AI] left and [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] right {#3-207}
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D1 [circled] Dft Hypoth 535/6 3-228 VAD9193-3-228 Tracing: [AI] left and [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] right {#3-206}
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Added chains B 3976 #2 March 71/2 [[Struck out: Might be same 3970, 435/6 ]] 3976 3.a CM A|I fits 30 March 1672 & mutilated[??] 3 bis seems to fit the remaining part of wm 3-227 VAD9193-3-227 Tracing: [AI] left and [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] right {#3-205}
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[very large B bottom left corner] Horn+HG/MC B Fits Mint 19/ 1, 480/1 Sept 1696 Fits 3965, 233 but countermark off a smidgin 3961.1 38/41 Fits 43/5, 48/51 but 'B' dif & [...] 3-226 VAD9193-3-226 Tracing: [horn+HG/MC] B {#3-204}
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_Same as A [circled]_ 3965 52/3 Fits 363 121/2 but CM w/chain neither[??] shifted[??] smidgin [measure between rightmost two chains with arrows:] 25 3-225 VAD9193-3-225 Tracing: [ELF] left and [dutch lion] right {#3-203}
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3963, 161/2 "Cap 2. De compositione & Resolutione Veterum 3-224 VAD9193-3-224 Tracing: [ELF] left and [dutch lion] right {#3-202}
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Completed & added chains later Seven Provinces A [circled] 423/4 [which doc??] Fits [[Struck out: 428 ]] -letters off slightly [[Struck out: 400,]] 412 [check mark], [[Struck out: 418, 414 417/18 Fits B better Fits 3970. 411/12 Doesn't 3965. 30/1 Fits 3965, [[Struck out: 52/3,]] 59/60, 61/2 [2 check marks] 3963, 123/4 169/70 FIL _Except_ for CM "LF"" 3964 3-223 VAD9193-3-223 Tracing: [ELF] left and [dutch lion] right {#3-201}
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3963, 119/20 "Geometriae 3-222 VAD9193-3-222 Tracing: [ELF] left and [dutch lion] right {#3-200}
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3968 579/80 3-220 VAD9193-3-220 Tracing: [crown+AR] left and [honi] = [o+O] right {#3-198}
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D 3966, 90/1 (lunar theory) 86/7 perfect 65/6 3965, 223/4 Fits N->Cotes 7 June 1711 Fits 'Schol. ad pag. 402" 3-219 VAD9193-3-219 Tracing: [crown+AR] left and [honi] = [o+O] right {#3-197}
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some chains added later A [circled] Anglo-Dutch Coat of Arms (HONI) Gen. Schol. 3970, 427/8 (incomplete) fits 3965 *[GS]*; f. [[Struck out: 380/1 ]] 361/2v (pale) 3968, 545/6. 555 Fits 3965, 247/8, 249/50. 196/7. 226/7 (<2mm) Fits 3963, 115/16 Fits 3968 260/1 Seems to Fit N->Cotes 15 June 1710. 30 Sept 1710. 14 Oct 1712 May fit 3966, 37/8 Lunar theory Doesn't fit "Theorem Lunae"" 3966 3-218 VAD9193-3-218 Tracing: [crown+AR] left and [honi] = [o+O] right {#3-196}
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3968 377/8 I think this is the same as A 3-217 VAD9193-3-217 Tracing: [crown+GR] left and [honi] = [o+O] right {#3-195}
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A [circled] 3968 173/4 2.86075036075036 Fits 3968, 372/3 577/8 Fits Keynes 3, 1/2/3/4 Close to 3968 374/6, 381/2 N->Keil, 2 May 1718 #430 [[Struck out: Doesn't Fit 3968 377/8 ]] wch spells "SOIT"" correctly 3-216 VAD9193-3-216 Tracing: [crown+GR] left and [honi] = [o+O] right {#3-194}
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3968, 20/1 CM barely readab prob fits 372/3 but very faint 3968, 379/80 (<2mm) 575/6 not 3968 [[Struck out: 274/5. 377/8 ]] <- wch is clear 3-215 VAD9193-3-215 Tracing: [crown+GR] left and [honi] = [o+O] right {#3-193}
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A [circled] 3965, 462/3 [-+=??] 3968 173/4 3-214 VAD9193-3-214 Tracing: [crown+GR] left and [honi] = [o+O] right {#3-192}
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