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Notes File Code File Base Image Wm Code Checked Assigned Actions
3970, 241 Maechan_ adece[??] 3-156 VAD9193-3-156 Tracing: [city of london] = [dag] {#3-135}
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Deprecated (8192): Creation of dynamic property Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::$Html is deprecated [CORE/src/View/Helper.php, line 115]
3966 61/2 (lunar theory) 3-155 VAD9193-3-155 Tracing: [CHD] left and [city of london] = [dag] right {#3-134}
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3968, 268/9 Fits 188/9 Keynes 1, 37/8 39/40 CM off ~3 mm (1/8") 3-154 VAD9193-3-154 Tracing: [IB] left and [city of london+AI] = [dag+AI] right {#3-133}
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3965 441/2 Comets Fits 4005 45/6, 47/8 "Phenomenona"" 3-153 VAD9193-3-153 Tracing: [IB] left and [city of london+AI] = [dag+AI] right {#3-132}
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3965, 294/5 creased so CM probably too close to right Fits Keynes 1, F 35/6, 45/6 but CM off ~ [Written over: 3] 1/8" 3-151 VAD9193-3-151 Tracing: [IB] left and [city of london+AI] = [dag+AI] right {#3-130}
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[beneath the AI:] Sub mark very faint Keynes 5, 3/4 seems to 1/2, 5/6 but that may be because tracing is underdetermined 3-150 VAD9193-3-150 Tracing: [_T] left and [city of london+AI] = [dag+AI] right {#3-129}
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3965, 600 Fits Principia vol. 2. 361/2 365 363 368 372 387 No fit Halley 'Ode' 3-149 VAD9193-3-149 Tracing: [city of london+AI] = [dag+AI] with hatching {#3-128}
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3965 106/7 very faint Fits Keynes 34 Fits Roy Soc. Letter #53. IV->H June 1686 3-148 VAD9193-3-148 Tracing: [IR] left and [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] right {#3-127}
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3965 104/5 <-- Principia Revs [circled] [[Struck out: doesn't fit]] Fits 125/6 Doesn't fit 106/7 but twin not much different Keynes 34 - Twin WM virtually fits but CM off nearly fits 3965, 134 Fits #57 N->Halley July 27, 1686 3-147 VAD9193-3-147 Tracing: [IR] left and [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] right {#3-126}
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[[Struck out: 436]] I don't par[??] like 474 Principia XX much larger, CM:PT Not 3965, 134 3-146 VAD9193-3-146 Tracing: [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] {#3-125}
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Faint XX/PT but different from Principia Keynes 32 Kings ff 57*[-64]* Fits: Keynes 32 [above] 9-16 Keynes 43 3-145 VAD9193-3-145 Tracing: [PT] left and [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] right {#3-124}
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XX/*[PT]* 3970 617 Principia 'reject' Fits 3965 19*[,20]* 428bis/9 Principia MS f.9 11 Not 3965, 134 3-144 VAD9193-3-144 Tracing: [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] (has CM [PT]) {#3-123}
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3965 17/18 Principia dft (Sheet almost split in 2) pretty damn%^close to 15/16 def. not, 3965, 19/20 Fits Principia MS, f.109,110 3,4 not 3965, 134 3-143 VAD9193-3-143 Tracing: [PT] left and [arms of amsterdam] = [XX] right {#3-122}
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[no notes] 3-142 VAD9193-3-142 Tracing: [horn+HG] {#3-121}
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[no notes, drawing rather than tracing?] 3-141 VAD9193-3-141 Tracing: [quatrefoil+P] between two chains, probably {#3-120}
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459 [document unidentified] ½ sheet Not 3969, 134 3-140 VAD9193-3-140 Tracing: [arms of amsterdam]=[XX] {#3-119}
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3966, 306/7 3-138 VAD9193-3-138 Tracing: [CT] left and [city of london] = [dag] right {#3-117}
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Not convinced this & A are different 4005, 100/1 fits 3966, 60/70 CM within 1 mm nearly fits 3966, 88/0 3-137 VAD9193-3-137 Tracing: [CT] left and [city of london] = [dag] right {#3-116}
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3959, 28/9 Trigonometria doesn't fit 24/5 Fits 3965, 159/60 164/5 166/7 Principia MS Vol.2 336,5 338 - the fits are not perfect at * because falling apart, but the damag. line + fits [Alan has drawn * and + on lion tracing to mark the places] [next to left upper limb of outer circle:] distortion real -> 3-131 VAD9193-3-131 Tracing: [IV] left and [dutch lion?+IT] right {#3-111}
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3965, 21/2 De motu Fits 653/4/5/6 Class. Schol. reject 3965, 157/8 CM off a bit -> 161/2 163 [no CM] v2[??] sheet Principia MS vol.2, f.333,4 339,40 NOT 3965, 326/9 but too faint to do Sticthed 7-14 fits 17/14 Not 3959, 24/5 3-130 VAD9193-3-130 Tracing: [IV] left and [dutch lion?+IT] right {#3-110}
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