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Notes File Code File Base Image Wm Code Checked Assigned Actions
3965, 21/2 De motu Fits 653/4/5/6 Class. Schol. reject 3965, 157/8 CM off a bit -> 161/2 163 [no CM] v2[??] sheet Principia MS vol.2, f.333,4 339,40 NOT 3965, 326/9 but too faint to do Sticthed 7-14 fits 17/14 Not 3959, 24/5 3-130 VAD9193-3-130 Tracing: [IV] left and [dutch lion?+IT] right {#3-110}
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Deprecated (8192): Creation of dynamic property Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::$Html is deprecated [CORE/src/View/Helper.php, line 115]
[central cross of shield is hatched] No Fit Halley 'Ode' 3965, 588 Principiae 390 391 3-129 VAD9193-3-129 Tracing: [arms of london+AI] = [dag+AI] {#3-109}
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[central cross of shield is hatched] CM chains added later B [circled]. O1, f.29/30 Fits 46 48 91 95 115 388,9 304,5 392 54 75 97 99(split) 103 105(split) 113 Halley BDO[??] 3965 759-764 [next to left edge of shield:] not outside in twin [next to right edge of shield:] outside chain but not in twin Like Churchill 240 1692. Worcester Cathedral Library 3-128 VAD9193-3-128 Tracing: [TI] left and [city of london+AI] = [dag+AI] right {#3-108} [TWINS!]
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[central cross of shield is hatched] CM chains added later A [circled]. 37/8 54 may be diff 470 same Fits 32 34 36 40 50 93 52 56 58 77 101 107 109(split) 111 Neither A [circled] or B [circled] fits 3965, 588, 600 Pretty sure fits Hally 3965 759/64 very close, but no cigar 3-127 VAD9193-3-127 Tracing: [TI] left and [city of london+AI] = [dag+AI] right {#3-107} [TWINS!]
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A [circled]. 3966, 102/7 Lunar Theory from Principia dft. Fits 110/11 112/13 103/4 (< 2 mm) [[Struck out: 108/9 CM off. NOT 108/9 (off[??] 105/6 ]] Fits 108/9 within 2 mm Fits Principia Vol. 2, ff 214,13 215,16 220 221 223 441/2 360 3-126 VAD9193-3-126 Tracing: [PT] left and [XX+AI] = [arms of amsterdam+AI] right {#3-106}
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B [circled]. 3966, 105/6 NOT 108/9 A&B may be same NO. Fits Principia MS vol. 2, 218, 226 not CM on 217 227,8 fits 354 Like Heawood 391 - but his lacks countermark. He says "No letters visible"" 3-125 VAD9193-3-125 Tracing: [PT] left and [XX+AI] = [arms of amsterdam+AI] right {#3-105}
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Keynes 34 Doesn't fit 3970 106/7. not so sure CM fits 3965, 124 3-124 VAD9193-3-124 Tracing: [IR] left and [XX] right = [arms of amsterdam] {#3-104}
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C [circled]. O2 626/7 same 628/9 not 623/30 same as 269, 281/2 279, 267 nearly same as 275 Fits 3968 38/9, 46/7 Enarratio[??] plenior & aft[??] 51/2 3968. 113/4 Added chains later Fits Mint 19 1, 316/17. Feb. 1713 3972., f41 on longitute 2nd line "...I have condered the ... Proposal of Mr Henry Saumarez" 3-122 VAD9193-3-122 Tracing: [CAW] left and [pro patria] right {#3-102}
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D [circled]. O2 624/5 Close but not sure as 623/30 [[Struck out: no 626/7. no 628/29]] 283/4 293/4 - virtually perfect fit & 261/2, 265, 271 273, 277 - - - - 267 dif 269 275, 279 . . . 3968 53/4 (~1 mm) 3960, 225/7 Neither twin [[Struck out: fits 3968 37/48, 49/50]] Keynes 3, 40/41, 42/3 .41: 44/5, 58/9 Fits Mint II, 108. Sept 1717 3972 f.38 On longitude I have received your letter by the hands of John Va+... 3-121 VAD9193-3-121 Tracing: [CAW] left and [pro patria] right {#3-101}
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J [circled]. 3970, 239/40 [[Struck out: Does not fit 241 exactly. def. slightly diff]] fits 238 CM fits 237, 236 not 235 More chains added when due noticed CM off a bit (< ½ mm) This & twin Doesn't Fit Principia corrections 3965, 76/7, 137/8, 205/6 May Fit New College 361.2, 24/5. Dft to G[??]phi 3-120 VAD9193-3-120 Tracing: [IV] left and [city of london] = [dag] right
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K [circled]. 3970, 235/41 now torn, so relation of CM to WM only approx doesn't fit 3966, 84/8, 159/60 3-119 VAD9193-3-119 Tracing: [IV] left and [city of london] = [dag] right
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3965. 355/6 On comets Pretty good fit 3968, 126/7 Fits 265/70, 271/72 273/4, 275/6 Doesn't fit 3965 441/2 Fits 3966, 63/4 N->Cotes, 19 Feb 1711/12 mayla[??] - 3 Apr 1712 22 Apr 1712 marla[??] 10 May 1712 3-118 VAD9193-3-118 Tracing: [IB] left and [city of london] = [dag] right
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L [circled]. 3965, Principia correction, 205/6 Doesn't fit 137/8, 76/7 0-78 NOT 3963. 299/300. 296/305 Fits 3965, 199/200 Not 3968, 616/17 3965 Nearly fits 302/3 except for c/m 298/301 297/304 Fits Keynes 13.1/2 3-117 VAD9193-3-117 Tracing: [IV] left and [city of london] = [dag] right
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"More[??] chains & some lines added 3965, ff. 353/4 (main true,[??] only) G.S. Fits 357/8, 232/3 (<2mm) (CM win 2 mm) not 363/4, 5 P relb[??] rauch[??] fits 3965 245/6 350/1 *[ <- not 3976]* Not [[Struck out: Sort of]] fits 3963.ii 3/4 Fits 3963, 117/18 3965. 150/1 w/in 2nm Fits Mint 19 1, 244/5 Not Mint I, 181/2 Seems to Fit N->Cotes 11 Oct.1709 #3 2 24 March 1710/1 28 July 1711 Mint 19, 3, 557 23 Jan 1710/1 *[ cai# 819]*[??]" 3-115 VAD9193-3-115 Tracing: [crown+AR] left and [honi] right.
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"3970, 623/30 (WM pale/CM Good) 3965 221/2 ( < 2 mm)[??} 3968 48/49, 55/6" 3-114 VAD9193-3-114 Tracing: [CAW] left and [pro patria] right
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"3968 51/2 not 49/50 Like Heawood 3968 but no fit 1724-1726. In MS at Royal Geog. Soc." 3-113 VAD9193-3-113 Tracing: [CAW] left and [pro patria] right
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C [circled] *[& A are very close]**[March 1713]* 1, 473 [[Mint?]]Fits Mint 19 1, 275N -> Cotes 6 Jan 1712/3Virtually fits Mint 19 2^537/8. 30 July 1711Not Mint I, 181/2II, 203/4, 205/6Seems to fit New College 361/4, 78/793965, [[struck out: 196/7 ( < 2 mm)]]228/9 (2nm)219/20not[??] 3965, 243/4, 251/2[[struck out: 219/20. 228]] 3-112 VAD9193-3-112 Tracing: [crown+AR] left and [honi] right
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3966, 159/60 Lunar theoryAequationes Apogaei Lunae, et excentricitates orbis eius...." 3-111 VAD9193-3-111 Tracing: [IV] left and [city of london] = [dag] right
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A [circled].636Fits WM on 404r [[3970?]] --> fitted in w/403/4. 634405/6. [[Struck out: 402, 404, 406, 631]][[Struck out: very slightly diff bar[??] 633 - not sure significant]]Does not fit 3963, 1/2 <- completely diff.Fits 3963 111/12, 36/7,[[Struck out: but not 9/10, 38/9]]152/33965, 613/4[[Struck out: May]] fit 4005, 43/4. Astronomia in octantso faint, but prob fits 3070 394/5, 397/8, 409/10, 415/16, 425/6 3-088 VAD9193-3-088 Tracing: [crowned horn+AI] [[Seems like locations are from 3970 and 3963]]
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C [circled].3965, 553/4 - Comets 3963 1/2 3964, 1/2, or/on 3/4. doesn't fit & vy[??] faint Jan 1679/80 <-> Very faint but seems to fit 3973, #2 ff. 5-/8. 'A' barely visible Bottom: Very like Churchill 316 1680, MS 3-087 VAD9193-3-087 Tracing: [crowned horn+AI]
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